Capital market regulator Sebi has cleared the deck for four mainboard IPOs in its latest communication on January 8, while two DRHPs have been withdrawn. Draft offer documents of Regreen Excel EPC, Casagrand Premier, Highway Infrastructure and Dr Agarwal's Health Care received Sebi's final observations at the end of December, said Sebi.
These four companies had filed their preliminary papers with the regulator between September and October last year.
Dr Agarwal's Healthcare is the parent of listed firm Dr Agarwal's Eye Hospital, and offers India's largest ophthalmology chain along with related services, and operates in 10 African countries. The business was started by Jaiveer Agarwal and wife Tahira Agarwal in Chennai in 1957, and their son Dr Amar Agarwal is the chairman and managing director of the eye hospital.
Chennai-based real estate developer Casagrand Premier Builder is launching a public issue that includes a fresh equity share issuance worth Rs 1,000 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of shares valued at Rs 100 crore by the promoters.
Regreen-Excel EPC India Ltd, a manufacturer of ethanol plants, is set to launch an IPO featuring a fresh equity share issuance worth Rs 350 crore along with an OFS of 1.14 crore equity shares by the promoters.